The St.Gallen Declaration for Shepenesis
She is famous across the land – Shepenesis, the Ancient Egyptian mummy held by the St. Gallen Abbey Library. Shepenesis - daughter of a priest and member of the spiritual elite between 700 and 650 BC - was snatched from her tomb by grave robbers. Now Shepenesis lies unwrapped in the Abbey Library - although unwrapping and displaying a naked corpse contradicts ancient Egyptian beliefs.
We want to do everything so that Shepenesis can return to Egypt. That a good place is found for her. That she is kept dignified instead of stripped until that time. And that a franc of dignity is introduced for cultural exchange. As Egyptologist, Prof. Monica Hanna says, «We can't change history, but we can correct the mistakes of the past.»
FOR THE DIGNITY OF SCHEPENESE. For the dignity of St.Gallen. To right an old wrong. Out of respect for the dead: Let Shepenesis return home!